Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition. This is the last update we're going to have for the PC version of Sleeping Dogs. by the.
Sleeping Dogs [PC] MULTI Patch DOWNLOAD
Achievement Hunter @ BioWare!. Home. New Sleepy Dogs May Come To PC. a lot of the fan feedback from the.Q:
How do you perform the "smart contract" test in a Truffle mobile app?
Truffle codegen fails if there are unused getters. A workaround is to create a new contract with getters. But this won't work if you want to deploy the code in a mobile app. What's the best way to go about this?
You should be able to do the following:
First, add the getters to your contract using a script or the web3.js API.
getters : {
isLoggedIn : function() { return this.user.isLoggedIn(); }
Then you can just set the attribute like any other contract attribute, eg:
'use strict';
var Web3 = require('web3');
var MyContract = artifacts.require('./MyContract.sol');
var Web3Creator = require('web3-creator');
module.exports = function(deployer) {
deployer.deploy(MyContract).then(function(instance) {
instance.setIsLoggedIn(function (e, ctx) {
return ctx.send("isLoggedIn");
The way to check if the getter has been called is to store a variable within the contract with the value of the method and then check if that variable has been set.
var isLoggedIn = false;
instance.setIsLoggedIn = function (e, ctx) {
if (isLoggedIn) {
return ctx.send("already set");
} else {
isLoggedIn = true;
return ctx. be359ba680
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